1. Don't rip me off. I will put a bad trader list on my homepage and i will write your name .. on all trading sites I know. Also i inform my good traders about you.
2. Please Use good DVD´s as TDK,Phillips etc, and burn the DVD´s only on DVD+R. I will do the same for you.
3. If a show won't work, I expect a replacement. I will send the nor correct DVD a second time. You must do the same.
4. Use a jiffy bag, or if not, make sure its safe and secure.
5. If I contact you about a trade, I will send first.
6. If you contact me about a trade, you send first.
7. If we have had a trade in past, we are going to send at same time.
8. I DONT SELL BOOTLEGS,so dont EVER ask me to do so.
9. Don´t burn DVD´s higher than 8 x, i do the same.
10. Are friendly and put me on good traders list after a nice trade, i out even your name on my list
You must accept the rules of trading for trade with me..